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07 Mar 1952

Biography Corine Marienneau

In 2017, the time for a female revolution came. In 2018, that of a Corine revolution should resound.

Because Corine, flamboyant disco glam / disco-charm diva, with a peroxidized mane and glittery eyelids has this in common with Simone de Beauvoir and Michelle Obama that she pushes beautiful sex to empowerment, starting with herself. Casually, this extroverted hedonist reconciles us with this obscure part of ourselves who dreams of oiling the body like frying in summer and wearing a green bikini with boots lined in winter. "Finally, you have to cultivate joy, let go in order to stop thinking. Have fun with sensuality, "sighs the divine creature, applying yet another (unnecessary) layer of iridescent gloss on her lips. Corine has this in common with Germaine Tillion and France Gall that she resists. With the ambient gloom, with the quarrels of musical chapels, with the misogyny which would like that a singer seldom has humor, that a bimbo is stupid, that an artist playing of his sex appeal tapines, etc. The most amazing is that this activist of the three-color cocktail, the ceviche and the sauna for all brings together ..... "

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