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Noël and the Red Wedge was a band around Noël, a female singer active in the late 70s, early 80s in the USA. She made just one solo album Is There More To Life Than Dancing? produced by Ron Mael & Russell Mael of Sparks. The album is heavily influenced by Giorgio Moroder's dance / synthesizer music made for Donna Summer, the brothers were working with him at the time.

A few years later in 1982 she had her own band performing as Noël and the Red Wedge with just one more album Peer Pressure produced by legendary keyboardist / producer Mitchell Froom. Also of The Babys, Bad English, Styx, fame Ricky Phillips plays Bass and does background vocals on the album. While Thom Mooney held the sticks who was also a drummer in Nazz and Veyler Hildebrand. After this venture Noël along with band disappeared from the public eye.


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