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The Nichols Family Gospel Hour are a band that belongs in no certain genre of music. With styles of Acoustic, Metal, Blues, Rock & Classical mixed with a depressing, bleak atmosphere. The band purposely strayed away from things that would label them a certain category/genre of music.

"We wanted to do something that we'd never heard before. We are fans of so many styles of music and bands from really mellow and beautiful to really heavy and beautiful..I love melodic instrumental acoustic stuff with violins and cellos and wanted to do something to incorporate those instruments with ideas i've had. As a musician, Stevie Ray, Iommi and Dime are idols..But bands like Pink Floyd, Opeth, Antimatter or Anathema are what really moves my soul so I guess that's a part of my inspiration too." says Darren Nichols, the guitarist/songwriter of the band.

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