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Your Neck of the Woods comes from the porches and patios of their beloved hometown, Guelph, ON. Julia, Tom, and Nicole met on campus four years ago and began reciting their one cover of "Knocking on Heaven's Door" for approximately six months. They met Ben one fateful open mic night and began jamming. They parted ways for the summer, with Nicole spending three months in a plywood shack in the Northwest Territories, Julia embarking on a solo cross-Canada railway soul search, Ben enchanting the locals at cafe gigs in his hometown of Brantford, and Tom serenading the lodgepoles and ladies of northern Ontario. They met up again at school with a newfound love of Canadian folks, folk music, and folklore - and the inspiration and stories to express it. Nicole met Mark while working downtown at the Flour Barrel while he was on his break from the bike shop down the street, and the five of them started rehearsing original songs together. The band then approached Dave Riedstra to add some roots and fifths on the upright bass. Your Neck of the Woods has since been playing with acts such as The Acorn, Bry Webb of the Constantines, Craig Cardiff, and Cuff the Duke.



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