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United States
/ Present

History All Good Things

There are more than one band that go by the name of 'All Good Things'. Presently two are mentioned below.

I. All Good Things are an Americana/Bluegrass Duo from Milwaukee, WI. The are: John Petty- vocals, guitar and banjo, and Gina Romantini- violin.

II. All Good Things

Band Members:

Tim Aquilino, Chris Gallerizzo, John Mullaney

Artist Name:

All Good Things

Home Page:

Active Since:



Rock / Blues / Country Rock

It’s been a while (14 years, give or take) since Chris placed an advertisement in the Washington City Paper calling for seasoned musicians to work on a blues/rock recording project. When I first showed up at his studio, barefoot and hung over from the previous night’s debauchery, I had no idea what lay in store as I began setting up my keyboard. I hadn’t played in several weeks since parting ways with yet another band… my head hurt… and Chris and I did not seem to have very much in common, at least on the surface. I was an engineer who worked for the Department of Defense. Chris would laugh and describe himself as one who “stacked fruit in symmetrical pyramids.” We were soon joined by John (a bass wielding medical technician affectionately referred to as “Moose”), Ray (a shaggy-looking wedding photographer and versatile guitarist), and Jeff (who spoke quietly, but banged the drums). Once we got started, it was immediately obvious to us that we were having too much fun playing music together to care about "cultural differences." And so it began.

While we leisurely recorded some original songs over the next few months, we were visited by a wide variety of musicians and personalities – background vocalists Nancy and Margaret, harmonica players, saxophonists, another drummer who could muster nothing more than a polka beat, a lead guitarist with an unusually large ego, and a chiropractor/guitarist from New Jersey who (as he pulled a joint from his shirt pocket) offered to buy the chair in which he sat for $50. There were other colorful characters, who may have contributed to these songs over the years, but they have gone their separate ways, their names forgotten. After all, a dozen years was a long time to take to record our first album, though it was never really our intention to actually create “an album” – we just enjoyed playing and recording music. Over time, we lost touch with Jeff and John, while we lost Ray (to whom our first album "Just Passing Through" was dedicated) in the summer of 2007. With the deepest of thanks to all our musical brothers and sisters, we decided to pool our collective efforts onto that first album, if for no other reason than to preserve the music that brought us together and helped forge lasting friendships. Chris and I (and sometimes John) have continued to record original tunes and our sophomore effort is due for release in late 2012. We hope you have as much fun listening to it as we did putting it together. It’s all good. _ Tim

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