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Hailing from Melbourne Australia, Frankenbok was born kicking and screaming in 1997. Now with 4 albums and 2 EP’s under their belt, their most recent release, deftly titled “THE END OF ALL YOU KNOW”, is by far the bands heaviest work to date. Musically it is a real blend of heavy metal styles, ranging from thrash, to punk to southern rock riffage and straight up heavy metal, all with a very Australian flavour and distinctive sound that the band have crafted over a 15 year existence. Thematically the album is a statement that the human race is on a one-way ticket to annihilation, dealt out by our own hand. The cover artwork is an entrancing, hand-painted magnum opus, depicting a full scale riot with the mob descending on a pyramid of the ‘eye of providence’, a symbol representing the modern social structure. They are intent on tearing it down - and themselves along with it. If the revolution was to ever occur, there would be no group loyalty, just total chaos, every man for himself each taking their bat, ball and smashing each other's heads in. It was painstakingly painted by Tom Emery, a good friend of the band and a truly phenomenal artist. The picture features over 1000 figures in incredible detail, and really must be seen to be believed.

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Dan White
since 2015 Lead vocal

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