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United States
23 May 1967


Charlie Hunter is a jazz fusion guitarist known for his multi-genre work, influenced by country, pop, rock, and more. He grew up in Berkeley, California, where he graduated from Berkeley High School. His project known as the Charlie Hunter Trio got started in 1993.

Since then, Hunter has recorded over seventeen albums. He's noted for playing custom-made seven and eight-string guitars, having a reputation as a jazz virtuoso on the instrument. Over the years, Hunter has worked with and recorded with many artists, including Miles Perkins, Scott Amendola, Will Bernard, Skerik, Jay Lane, Dave Ellis, John Ellis, Mimi Fox, Peter Apfelbaum, Stefon Harris, Kurt Elling, Bobby Previte, Greg Osby, Chris Lovejoy, LeonParker, Josh Roseman, John Santos, John Schott, D'angelo, Calder Spanier, Mos Def, Norah Jones, Adam Cruz, Willard Dyson, and John Mayer.

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