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Mar 1987


Born in Kyoto, Japan, Emi Meyer moved to Seattle, Washington before the age of one. Emi's music spans borders, much like her identity. She thinks and feels unconventionally, and her music channels this originality. These influences can be heard in every song, including “Crafted Tone” and “Magnolias.”

Emi’s musical career began with piano lessons at the age of six. She showed great potential and was selected to be one of five students taught by an accomplished classical pianist in Seattle. She expanded to jazz for a collaborative experience, and its synchronization between the fingers, voice, and ear helped her explore singing. Upon hearing Emi’s distinctive imagery and style, fellow musicians and friends encouraged her to further develop her voice. Emi initially composes for piano and voice, but is pleased with the results of adding bass and drums on her latest demo, Magnolias.

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