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1999 February / Present

History Trio Ivoire

The TRIO IVOIRE is unique in instrumentation and musical scope, melting personal roots of African, European and Jazz traditions and uniting African balafon with piano, drums and electronics to create a contemporary sound that is without comparison. This has little to do with traditional African music, but a lot with finding artistic expression in a globalized reality. On the search of transporting traditional African instruments into the modern world on one hand, looking for new ways of expression in piano and Jazz music on the other, two worlds are approaching each other that seem far apart.

Hans Lüdemann is pianist, composer and head of the TRIO IVOIRE. He is considered to be „one of the most original and expressive European pianists“ (Jazz Podium) or simply „one of the great pianists of German Jazz“ (Frankfurter Rundschau). In the TRIO IVOIRE his „distinct voice of his own“ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) on the piano connects to Aly Keita, the „magician of the balaphon“ from Ivory Coast whose breathtaking virtuosity and energy is hard to match. He and Lüdemann are „soul mates“ who have found each other across cultural boundaries. Dutch drummer Chander Sardjoe connects the musical worlds with his unique sound on the drums. Technically unlimited and with an Indian background, he gives great clarity even to the most complex rhythmic structures. The sparsely used electronic colors expand or contrast the acoustic instruments.

Altogether the three musicians create their own music beyond clichées - a joyful play of three exceptional personalities between traditions, visions and experiments. Especially when African polyrhythm and European polyphony unite or when the different backgrounds are emphasized is where the creative energies of the group emerge. The musical magic of TRIO IVOIRE connects Jazz back to Africa, finding a subtle balance between rich and complex rhythmic and musical structures and an emotional depth that can be touching - playing straight into the heart of the listener.

While the first CD „Trio Ivoire“, released by ENJA records in 2002 was recorded shortly after concert tours in WestAfrica, the new album „Touching Africa“ touches the continent from a distance. It is about the personal experiences on a long way the musicians have gone together. These are part of „Wenn du weite Wege gehst“ („when you go long ways“) by Hans Lüdemann as well as the quiet „Ha Iri“ by Aly Keita. Also the different viewpoints of African or European ears can be a source of inspiration as in „Doublé“ where a twobeat measure morphs into a 15/8 and back. Sometimes the musical statements are simple and songlike as in „Tatu“, sometimes they stretch into complex forms of almost classical architecture. Guest on the CD and often in concert is Tata Dindin, singer and Kora player from Gambia, who has worked in a duo with Lüdemann for a long time.

IVOIRE - IVORY, is a precious material. A special use is for the keys of high quality pianos, lending to the player a uniquely warm and sensual touch. COTE D‘IVOIRE - IVORY COAST is the country where Aly Keita was born, where he and Hans Lüdemann met and had their first big success with TRIO IVOIRE. These different connotations can be found in the group name as well as the mirroing of the letters (T) r i o (I v) o i r (e) - symbolic of the way, the trio plays with the tones. Also „river“, „to see“ and „riot“ could be found..... French is the common language of the group.

Hans Lüdemann has been in touch with Africa for a long time. His improvisations and compositions are inspired by African music. 1999 on his solo tour through West Africa, he met Aly Keita in a project of the Goethe-institute Abidjan. The premiere was a big success.

Further invitations to Abidjan followed, and the Trio Ivoire was founded.The first meeting was in Germany to record a radio production for the WDR, which came to be the first CD. As a drummer they chose one of the most individual European musicians, Paris-based British drummer Steve Argüelles.

In 2000 the TRIO IVOIRE had its first concert in Africa with immediate success.

The show in Abidjan was recorded and broadcasted on television. Since then they have been on many concert tours and festival, radio and tv appearances in Europe and Africa. Highlights have been the EXPO 2000, the Music Meeting Nijmegen 2002, Leverkusener Jazztage 2004, Münchener Klaviersommer 2005, „Public Viewing Festivals“ as part of FIFA-WM Germany in 2006. Also, the trio has appeared on different „official“ occasions such as the „Afrika-Forum“ of the German President in 2005.

Dutch drummer Chander Sardjoe played with the TRIO IVOIRE for the first time in 2003. Since 2007 he is the new drummer of the group.

The 2007 tour of West and South Africa was received with soldout concerts and standing ovations, showing the renewed energies of the TRIO IVOIRE.

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