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1977 / Present


There are 6 bands with the name Lava:

1. Lava is an early seventies band from Berlin that in 1973 made one of the best 'rock albums' on the legendary green Brain 1,000-series. The members reputedly lived as a commune. Tears Are Going Home was recorded in Berlin, but mixed at Windrose Studios, Hamburg, by the hard-working Konrad Plank, assisted by Hans Lampe. The seven tracks on the album are extremely varied, covering the important styles of progressive rock of the day: the heavy space style of Hawkwind (on the title track), strange folk-rock ("All My Love To You", "Would Be Better You Run") and West Coast rock ("I'm Just A Mad Dog"). Sadly, no more was ever heard from the band. For many years their album could be acquired quite cheaply, but recently the band seems to have been discovered by collectors and the price has risen.

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