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History Batagraf

/ Present

History Batagraf

Batagraf is a constellation of drummers and percussion players performing and recording with Jon Balke on keyboards and percussion, and various soloists. Batagraf has also been described as a "think tank" , whose business is to research and come up with new ideas and concepts in the field of rythmic music.

Batagraf had its first performance in Oslo, Norway on the 24 october 2002 at Parkteateret in Grunerloekka.

The groups next project took place on february 19 and 20 2003 where they performed with trumpeter Arve Henriksen outdoor(!) on the historical farm Bjerke Gaard at the Lillehammer Vinterspillene festival.

In 2004 the activity was mainly centered around recording and finishing the new CD "Statements" (ECM 1932), which was released 5 september 2005.

In 2005 release of "Statements", plus festival concerts in Scandinavia

Batagraf takes its name from the latin verb battere - beat and graph, meaning, as we know, writer or written. Thus, one may deduct a will to strike the wordless poetry of the sound-waves, to hammer phonetics in the open air, to write the soundwaves in beating.

The Bata is also a name for a specific style of vocal and percussion music in Afro-Cuban music, as well as a name for the set of drums used in this devotional practice, which we in no way want to try to emulate, out of a deep respect for the tradition, religion and executers of this noble form of music.The link is the setting, people getting together in a circle to explore into the universe of rythm and sound.

The Batagraf consists of :

Helge Andreas Norbakken/drums and percussion

Harald Skullerud/ drums and percussion

Kenneth Ekornes/drums and percussion

Jon Balke/percussion and electronics

plus a number of special guests, varying from project to project. such as: Sidsel Endresen, Frode Nymo, Arve Henriksen , Ensemble 96 (mixed choir), Miki NDoye, Espen Beranek Holm, and others

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