dev stack:
English Español Русский
United States
2009 / Present

History Nihilistic Misanthropy

Depressive Suicidal Black Metal


Einsamkeit- Vocals

E.H.- Guitar, Bass, Programming (2009-2012)


Gause, Henderson TX, Mex.

Record Label:Depressive Illusions Records

Influences: Life Neglected, Xasthur, Csejthe, Mortifera, Burzum, Trist.

Formed from the ashes of Thy Place Of Sorrow, after the suicide of Impellr, guitarist and drummer E.H. decided to continue the band only for a short period after closing the project for good. Months later, E.H. returned to music after his departure from Force-Fed Life to start Nihilistic Misanthropy. After several months, he recruited Einsamkeit for vocals. Now these two unholy forces are here to spread hate and depression to all of the underground DSBM world.

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