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1999 / Present


Superbus is a five-piece French power pop band formed in 1999.

After a trip to the USA in 1999, Jennifer Ayache went looking for musicians to make a group. She met Michel Giovannetti, a guitarist, and François Even, a bassist, who already knew each other from another group, and formed a new band. They started out as a three-piece before 2 other members joined. Those two were later replaced by Guillaume Rousé (on drums), and Patrice Focone (on guitar). Rousé quit the band in 2005 and was replaced by Greg Jacks, drummer of the band No One Is Innocent.

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François Even
since 1999 Unknown
Michel Giovannetti
since 1999 Unknown
Jennifer Ayache
since 1999 Unknown
Patrice Focone
since 1999 Unknown
Gregory Abitbol
since 2006 Unknown
Guillaume Rousé
since 1999 till 2006 Unknown

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