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1989 / Present


Gorki is a poetic yet powerful Dutch-singing group from Ghent, Belgium. Since 1989 they operated under the name of Gorky (with a "y") but slightly changed their name when frontman Luc De Vos reformed the band in 1992. Luc De Vos died the 29th of November 2014 at the age of 52.

As many Belgian bands, Gorky rose to the attention of the crowd during Humo's Rock Rally. They finished third in the edition of 1990, enough to gain record company interest. Together with producer Wouter Van Belle, they recorded their self-titled debut album, which was intimistic and powerful at the same time. Singer Luc De Vos managed to write very personal yet recognizable lyrics filled with imaginative imagery. Not less than five singles were taken from the album. Songs such as "Lieve kleine Piranha" and especially "Mia" remain very popular up till today.

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Luc De Vos
since 1989 till 2014 Guitar, Lead vocal
Erik Van Biesen
since 1993 till 2014 Electric bass guitar
Luc Heyvaerts
since 1996 till 2014 Keyboard
Eric Bosteels
since 2000 till 2011 Drum set
Geert Bonne
since 1989 till 1992 Drum set
Wout De Schutter
since 1989 till 1992 Bass
Steven Van Havere
since 1993 till 1999 Drum set
Wim Rogge
since 1992 till 1997 Guitar
Thomas Vanelslander
since 2011 till 2014 Guitar
Bert Huysentruyt
since 2011 till 2014 Drum set

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