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1986 / Present


Chandelier is the name of producer Trey Cregan. His first EP, entitled "TV" was recorded during November and December of 2010 and subsequently self-released in January of 2011. As a producer, he has been known to recontextualize hip hop into his own amalgamation of noise, ambient, glitch and IDM.

His debut full length is tentatively titled, "A History of the Oxcart by the Builder." and is slated for a January 2012 release. Recording sessions for this record took place throughout 2011 and it is currently unclear as to whether this album will be self-released or not.

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Martin Eden
since 1986 till 1998 Lead vocal
since 2018 Lead vocal
Udo Lang
since 1986 till 1998 Guitar
since 2018 Guitar
Heribert Rubarth
since 1986 till 1994 Drum set
since 2018 Drum set
Christoph Rombach
since 1986 till 1993 Bass
since 2018 Bass
Tobias Budnowski
since 1988 till 1998 Keyboard
Armin Riemer
since 2019 Keyboard
Stefan K. Listier
since 1986 till 1988 Keyboard
Tom Jarzina
since 1995 till 1998 Drum set
Stephan Scholz
since 1995 till 1998 Bass
Lerke Tyra
since 1993 till 1995 Bass

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