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2006 / Present


Arcane Roots were a three piece rock band from Surrey, UK. Before breaking up in 2018, they had released two albums - 2013's Blood & Chemistry and 2017's Melancholia Hymns, alongside three EPs titled Left Fire, Heaven & Earth, and Landslide, respectively. The band blends alt rock, progressive and math rock and - later - electronic elements seamlessly with intricate songwriting.

“…combine beautiful vocal melody and harmony with blistering guitar riffs to create the kind of mesmerising and tantalising experience that will make you want to weep and dance at the same time." [Buckle-Up]

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Andrew Groves
since 2006 Lead vocal, Guitar
Adam Burton
since 2008 Background vocals, Bass
Daryl Atkins
since 2006 till 2015 Background vocals, Drum set
Frank Tiramani
since 2006 till 2008 Bass

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