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Damon is the artist name of Peter Zwerver, a Dutch singer-songwriter who traveled the world by ship and released his first album in 2013. Nowadays he spends his spare time being a math teacher at high schools while working on new music and assisting other musicians developing their career. He regained a local cult status as the singing waterpolo keeper in the Amsterdam infamous "Koninklijke Heren 7". The club (het Y) bought a brand new piano and arranged a private recording space to facilitate his musical career. Corona however disrupted the plans for a new album release and tour and Damon moved away to Almere, leaving a lot of mistery behind.

Damon is the artistic name of David Del Conte, an American gypsy musician. Based in Los Angeles, David Del Conte and Charlie Carey had already pursued careers in popular music for many years before deciding to embrace the underground rock movement. His debut album, Song of a Gypsy, was originally released in 1969.

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