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1967 / Present


Pärson Sound was one of the earliest and most radical experimental rock bands of Sweden and the nucleus of a lineup that went on to become International Harvester, Harvester, Träd, Gräs Och Stenar, and eventually, Träden. With their expansive intake of styles as diverse as West Coast psychedelic music and the Velvet Underground's minimalism while still retaining a hint of their Swedish roots, Pärson Sound created an unusual sound similar to early Krautrock, though predating its beginning by a year. The group began in Stockholm in the spring of 1967 shortly after a visit to Sweden by minimalist composer Terry Riley to perform his classic "In C," as well as a new work with Swedish school children called "Olson III."


Thomas Tidholm
since 1967 Unknown
Urban Yman
since 1967 Unknown
Torbjörn Abelli
since 1967 till 1968 Unknown
Thomas Mera Gartz
since 1967 till 1968 Unknown

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