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Biography TOBACCO

United States

Biography TOBACCO

1) Solo project of Black Moth Super Rainbow frontman Tom Fec. He released the album Fucked Up Friends in 2008, the album Maniac Meat in 2010, the album ultima ii massage in 2014, and the album "Sweatbox Dynasty" in 2016.

In 2018 he teamed up with Aesop Rock to form Malibu Ken

2) Band from Germany containing Zachary Johnson (also in Readymade) and Daniel Riedl (also in Rekord and Darlo). The debut album "Don't Deny Your Weakness" was released in 2000, the follow-up "Tobacco Saves Lives" in May 2004.

It is not clear which is responsible for the Marathon game music remixes (Splash etc); it may be yet another artist of the same name.

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