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United States
1994 October / Present


Hot Water Music is a Gainesville, Florida punk outfit known for Chuck Ragan and Chris Wollard's raspy vocals, as well as their searing Jawbreaker-esque guitars on earlier albums. The act first formed in 1993, and their first record, Finding the Rhythms, was released on No Idea and Toy Box records. Many fans commonly refer to Hot Water Music as the abbreviation, HWM. The name Hot Water Music comes from a Charles Bukowski book.

HWM recorded an album with their good friends and mentors Leatherface for the first volume of the BYO split series. They also recorded with Alkaline Trio for a split LP on Jade Tree shortly thereafter.

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Chuck Ragan
since 1994 till 1998 Guitar, Lead vocal
since 1998 till 2006 Guitar, Lead vocal
since 2008 Guitar, Lead vocal
Chris Wollard
since 1994 till 1998 Guitar, Lead vocal
since 1998 till 2006 Guitar, Lead vocal
since 2008 Guitar, Lead vocal
Jason Black
since 1994 till 1998 Background vocals, Electric bass guitar
since 1998 till 2006 Electric bass guitar
since 2008 Electric bass guitar
George Rebelo
since 1994 till 1998 Background vocals, Drum set
since 1998 till 2006 Drum set
since 2008 Drum set
Chris Cresswell
since 2017 Lead vocal, Guitar

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