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2004 / Present


A project that started out in 2004 as two guys playing and experimenting with grindcore, Goresoerd has quickly evolved into the spearhead of intelligent, vicious and tongue-in-cheek extreme music in the Estonian scene. Hectic, hyper-driven and entertaining live shows have paved the way for the band's success.

GORESOERD blasted off as an idea for a project after some collaboration between Stig and Kari of Symbolic State in late 2004. Back then it was just for fun and experimenting, a short foray from their main band. They used a drum machine, as it gave them some advantage - skipping the part of a real drummer's trials and tribulations in the studio. In the beginning it was meant to be grind, but after inducing humor and even some elements of parody, they found themselves head over heels committed to the project.

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Stig Lindeberg
since 2004 Background vocals, Guitar
Eero Soomere
since 2006 Lead vocal
René Jõhve
since 2011 Keyboard
Rasmus Tauk
since 2013 Guitar
Ken Takmazjan
since 2007 till 2016 Drum set
Tõnu Jalakas
since 2017 Bass
Erkki-Siim Kalbus
since 2018 Drum set
Meelis Tauk
since 2008 till 2013 Guitar
Martin Lepalaan
since 2008 till 2012 Bass
Janar Tiitus
since 2014 till 2017 Bass
Tõnis Noevere
since 2016 till 2018 Drum set
Ando Enns
since 2006 till 2007 Guitar
since 2007 till 2008 Bass

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