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26 Jun 1958 — 20 Nov 2022


Riho Sibul is the leader of Ultima Thule, an Estonian rock band. Formed in 1986, they have been one of the country's most influential bands of the 1980s and 1990s. Their style combines blues-rock with either witty or poetic lyrics, often incorporating elements of Estonian folk lore and traditional music.

In addition to his work in Thule, Sibul is also a renown solo artist with three highly acclaimed albums. He is, as claimed by many, the most unique guitarist in Estonia with influences from Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck, Wayne Krantz, Brandon Ross, Kevin Breit and Bill Frisell to name a few. His solo albums are all self-composed, torn towards a jazzy melancholy, blues and often diving into the ambient soundscapes. The lyrics, presented in Sibul's trademark gruff vocals and written by different Estonian poets, usually display his affection for poetry and revolve around coping with everyday life, emotional moments and the surrounding (mostly late autumn) environment. It seems that the seasons of late autumn and winter are a common feature in much of Sibul's creation.

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Member of

Ultima Thule
since 1986
since 1980 till 1984 Unknown
Muusik Seif
since 1984 till 1984 Unknown
In Spe
since 1979 till 1979 Guitar

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