The first album of the Swiss Gotthard as a whole does not carry any unique feature, it is classic hard rock a la AC/DC, Whitesnake etc, but on the other hand this feature is everything there is. This is amazing quality and professionalism. Incredible and mesmerizing vocals by Steve Lee, very powerful and driving riffs and catchy melodies of choruses. At the beginning of the decline of hard rock, Gotthard released their debut album, which became very successful largely due to these qualities. The start of the album is set by one classic for him "Standing In The Night". Then we will hear ballads (All I Care For) and covers (Hush) and powerful action movies (Hunter). If we talk about this album in terms of pluses and minuses, then the second ones are absent on it at all. There is absolutely nothing to complain about. This is the case when the band took a lot of the best from other bands in their genre and served it up with a superbly prepared dish. For fans of classic hard rock, both this album and the band as a whole are highly recommended.
When I first heard this album, I thought: “damn it, this is exactly the glam, this is exactly very heavy metal glam that I always tried to find in different groups”.
Skid Row released an incredibly powerful debut album, successfully combining a lot of elements on it, seemingly not very compatible and even opposite. Balancing on the verge of heavy and glam, heavy and commercial music, aggression and melodiousness, Skid Row took the bull by the horns in the very first album.1989, most glam bands took the path of lightening the sound, clouds of ballads and commercialization in general.Skid Row gave out a hurricane, uncompromising, moderately aggressive an album that stood out among glam bands.
By releasing their first album
Out of the Cellar Ratt they made such a great start for themselves that they could not even dream of. Triple platinum in the US (taken in 1991), #7 on the Billboard 200 and a huge fan base. The secret behind the success that singled out Ratt glam crews and placed them on a stepping stone to
Motley Crue,
Twisted Sister,
Quiet Riot, Hanoi Rocks,
KISS was that the album didn't feel like a debut album or low-grade. It was a mature, well-produced album with good sound and great material.
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