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Leitbur ("light-brr") is Jaron Widman and Samantha Krzyston.

Jaron Widman began idolizing nostalgic new wave rock, analogue synths, and flights of 80s fantasy at an early age. Growing up in half a dozen western states, the influences on his life were many — the suburban desert, Alaskan summers, 8- and 16-bit escapism, fishing in the high Rockies, VHS tapes, cyberpunk, and big, open spaces, to name a few. After discovering electronic music as a kid and indie rock later in the 2000s, he began experimenting with digital music production, later adding vocals using the microphone on his digital camcorder. His love for cinema and storytelling pushed him into filmmaking as well, which gained him entry into the production track at University of Southern California’s prestigious School of Cinematic Arts. After graduating magna cum laude, he began a career in post-production, creating art, motion graphics and animation for networks like HBO and ABC.

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