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1979 / Настоящее время


In Spe has an interesting story. It is essentially two different, high-quality, bands. Both versions reflecting the vision of an enigmatic leader. The first incarnation was founded by Erkki-Sven Tüür, who has gone on to be be one of the top classical composers in the world. He set out to create music called chamber rock (sound familliar?). With the help of drummer Arvo Urb, guitarist Riho Sibul, keyboardist Mart Metsala, bass player Toivo Kopli, Flautist Peeter Brambat, and his wife Anne Tüür on piano, the first band was formed.

The band played gigs, and recorded, all the while building a stellar reputation. In 1983 they released the highly acclaimed, yet rare, self-titled debut. This, along with their existing notoriety, would form the basis of them being seen as the godfathers of Estonian prog. Some refer to it as one of the best prog recordings of all time. Being largely instrumental was a blessing in disguise. It didn't have as much trouble getting by Soviet censors as vocal recordings of the time. Still, only 3000 copies were made.

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Anne Tüür
с 1979 Клавишные, Пианино
Mart Metsala
с 1979 Клавишные
Toivo Kopli
с 1979 Бас-гитара
Alo Mattiisen
с 1983 Клавишные
Peeter Brambat
с 1979 до 1989 lib/muslib/membership_type_27
Erkki-Sven Tüür
с 1979 до 1983 lib/muslib/membership_type_27, Клавишные, Ведущий вокал
Vello Annuk
с 1983 до 1985 Бас-гитара
Arvo Urb
Ударная установка
Riho Sibul
с 1979 до 1979 Гитара
Jaanus Nõgisto

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