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16 Apr 1964 — 14 Jun 2008


Esbjörn Svensson Trio (or e.s.t) were a Swedish jazz piano trio formed in 1990 with Esbjörn Svensson (piano), Dan Berglund (double bass) and Magnus Öström (drums). They are not to be confused with Electro Shock Therapy or an Italian band EST, which has an album listed here: Mostrati.

e.s.t were renowned for their vibrant style - playing in rock venues to young crowds. They achieved great commercial success and critical acclaim throughout Europe. Their 1999 release "From Gagarin's Point of View" started their international breakthrough, being the first e.s.t. album to be released outside of Scandinavia through the German label ACT. The group was the first — and still the only — European Group to appear on the cover of Downbeat Magazine.

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Esbjörn Svensson Trio
lib/muslib/membership_type_1094, Piano

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