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2005 June / Present


Tarnovian Rock band Totentanz was established in 2005. In the beginning it was a 3 man band: Erik Bobella (bass), Dariusz Pawlowski (drums), and Dariusz Dural (guitar). In June of 2005 cooperation with Rafal Huszno started (guitar,vocal) (ex-Ottwieler). In that form the still-nameless band met until September. Dariusz Dural left the band and was replaced by Adrian Bogacz (Sunflower). At that point the band took a turn around in sound and work. Their music began to take on specific character and they took on the name Totentanz. In that form in the spring of 2006 they recorded their first five-song demo titled "Niebol", produced by Jaorslaw " Jasiu" Kidawa. Meanwhile Erik Bobella became involved with the legendary punk band KSU. In the fall of 2006 Dariusz Pawlowski left the band and in his place Sebastian Mnich joined (KSU). Afetr 2 1/2 years of cooperation Sebastian Mnich and Erik Bobella left KSU to devote themselves 100% to Totentanz. The band is currently Rafal Huszno (guitar , vocal), Adrian Bogacz (guitar), Erik Bobella (bass), and Sebastian Mnich (drums).

Totentanz, an Okkvlt Elektro from Italy/Norway

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