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1997 / Present


Les Trois Accords is a rock/pop band from Drummondville, Canada. The band launched its first album Gros Mammouth Album in 2003 to a very receptive public. Along with their video, their songs received heavy exposure in Québec. In 2004, Gros Mammouth Album Turbo was released with two extra tracks, Loin d'ici and Turbo sympathique and including one of Quebec's biggest hits Hawaiienne, which led them to sell 190 000 copies of their album in Canada.

The band's most prominent show to-date was in September, 2005, when they were an opening act for The Rolling Stones in Moncton, New Brunswick. The concert drew an estimated 85,000 spectators. That time as they finished up their set, one of them slyly asked the crowd not to leave the stadium because there was going to be some more good music later…

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Simon Proulx
since 1997
Alexandre Parr
since 1999 Unknown
Charles Dubreuil
since 2001 Unknown
Pierre-Luc Boisvert
since 2001 Unknown

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