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1992 / Present


Treble Charger was a Canadian rock group from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, formed in 1992. The band consists of vocalist Greig Nori, bassist Rosie Martin and drummer Trevor MacGregor. Guitarist Bill Priddle, a founding member of the band, left in 2003. They began with a melodic indie rock style, but have evolved into more of a pop punk band since signing to a major label in 1997.

The band was originally named NC17 but had to change their name due to some dispute with a US band of the same name. The original drummer was Morris Palter (from inception to 1997) who is now a reknowned percussionist and assistant professor of music.

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Greig Nori
since 1992 till 2006 Unknown
Bill Priddle
since 1992 till 2003 Unknown
Morris Palter
since 1992 till 1996 Percussion, Drum set

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