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United Kingdom
2001 / Present


Being as individual as possible at all times and following your own path is generally a good thing in the field of music, and an idea which I come here to praise rather than to bury. It brings its own problems, though. Music, in 2015 as in the last fifty (eighty? Ten thousand?) years, tends to be organised into a series of scenes and social groups, based around sonic similarities and/or shared ideals. This helps forge connections and builds an interest in your band. You know all this though, right? Well, a lot of people don’t know Spider Kitten, even though they have now been a going concern for a decade, so I’m here to give you a bit of a nudge in that direction.

Spider Kitten began in 2001 in Newport, a tatty and despondent city in South Wales, as a two-piece band with no drummer. They are now (at their most populated) a seven-piece band with four guitarists and a drummer called Chris, who used to play bass in dearly departed South Wales metal band Taint but now hits sonorous surfaces like he wants them to be actually dead. The two longest standing members are Chi and Al, who over the last ten years have guided Spider Kitten through:

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