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1984 / Present


Sacrilege B.C. was a teenage Bay Area thrash band that emerged in 1983 and disappeared just as they were gaining international attention. Their raw energy and D.I.Y. approach resulted in their premature burial and contributed to the aged quality of their music. The quintet was comprised of teen hellraisers out to have a good time and was too unbridled for the headbangers and too shredding for the punks. They were clearly unhindered by lofty musical career goals and credited beer twice on their debut LP.

The band initially consisted of Strephon Taylor on rapid-fire rasp and Tim Howell on the 6-string axe. They recorded two demos before Matt Filmore on drums, Gary Wendt on guitar, and Musashi "Moose" Lethridge on bass joined the line-up in 1984. "Moose" was later replaced by Sean Smithson for the 1986 'Party With God' recording.

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Lynda Simpson
since 1984 till 1990 Lead vocal
since 2014 Lead vocal
Andy Baker

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