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1995 / Present


Broadcast are an indie electronic band which formed in 1995 in Birmingham, England. The band originally consisted of Trish Keenan (vocals), Tim Felton (guitar), James Cargill (bass), Roj Stevens (keyboards) and Steve Perkins (drums).

Perkins and Stevens left the band in 2000, and Felton left in 2004. Stevens released a solo album under the name Roj, and Felton formed the group Seeland with Billy Bainbridge from Plone. After the January 2011 death of Trish Keenan, James Cargill is the only current member of the band.

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James Cargill
since 1995
Trish Keenan
since 1995 till 2011
Tim Felton
since 1995 till 2005
Steve Perkins
since 1995 till 2000
Roj Stevens
since 1995 till 2000
Keith York
since 2000 till 2003 Drum set

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