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1999 / Present


Originally, Big Eyes was started in 2000 in Leeds, U.K., by James Green as a private project, a naive way of trying to create classical music. It soon outgrew the bedroom and a band was formed. Big Eyes recorded four albums over the next four years (for Pickled Egg Records) and split up in 2004.

After this, Green formed The Big Eyes Family Players as a more collaborative arrangement (now based in Sheffield, U.K.). So far they have released five albums of experimental chamber folk-pop music, and worked with people like Jeremy Barnes (A Hawk and A Hacksaw), Terry Edwards (Gallon Drunk/Tindersticks), Rachel Grimes (Rachel’s), James Yorkston, James William Hindle and many more. Green is also featured on two Rachel’s albums, Systems/Layers and Technology Is Killing Music.

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