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United States
1974 / Present


Cameo is a funk group that was formed in 1974 in New York City, New York, United States. The band's lineup has constantly fluctuated since its formation, with the only constant being singer-songwriter Larry Blackmon, yet they continue to tour to this day. An outlandish, in-your-face stage presence, a strange sense of humor, and a hard-driving funky sound that criss-crossed a few musical boundaries earned Cameo countless initial comparisons to Parliament/Funkadelic. However, Cameo eventually wore off accusations of being derivative by transcending their influences and outlasting almost every single one of them.

Throughout the 70s and 80s, the group remained up with the times and occasionally crept ahead of them, such that they became influences themselves upon younger generations of R&B and hip-hop acts. By the time the group's popularity started to fizzle in the late 80s, a series of hits were left in the band's wake, ranging from greasy, funky workouts to smooth ballads to swinging synthesized tracks and more. Further separating Cameo from their forebears was the fact that they didn't have a diaper-clad guitarist. Instead, they had a codpiece-wearing lead vocalist in Larry Blackmon.

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