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17 Sep 1965


CHRISTOPHER DELL studied Philosophy at the TU Darmstadt, Music and Composition at the Conservatory of Hilversum and Rotterdam, scholarship holder at the Berklee School of Music, Boston. Master student of Gary Burton, Diploma Magna Cum Laude; Master of Human Resources/ Organisation-Development at the TU Kaiserslautern Formation and creation of the Improvisation-Studios at the "Akademie für Tonkunst", Darmstadt; Transdisciplinary works iin the fields of Architecture, Arts, Philosophy and Bodyworks; Soundinstallations, Exhibitions / Performances Work as curator for the exhibition “radical architecture- processing uncertainty” with Bernd Kniess for the Museum for Applied Arts, Cologne Due to the "Reclam Jazzlexikon" he is one of Europe's leading vibraphonists. Dell has recorded numerous CD's and toured throughout Canada, China, the USA, Japan, India, Africa. His work was honored with several awards e.g. the Downbeat Allstar Award, the Award of the "Deutsche Schallplattenkritik", the JazzArt-Award - Music of the 21st Century and the Music prize of the City of Darmstadt. Since 2002 Leader of the ifit, Institute for Improvisation-Technology, Berlin; he is author of numerous articles and the book “Prinzip Improvisation“, Cologne 2002 2005 Dell received the Darmstädter Musikpreis. “The Musician is regarded as one of the most important musicians and composers of Europe" was the opinion of the jury.


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