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1992 July / Present

History Electric Orange

Electric Orange is a german psychedelic band from Aachen. They are influenced by bands like Amon Düül II, Can and Ash Ra Tempel.

Krautrock from hell is one way to call it and to give it a true name. Soft, psychedelic stoner rock is another. Electric Orange share a band history of almost twenty years jamming and exploring songs together. Their main focus is long, instrumental songs that leave a lot of space for improvisations and ebb and flow with their own internal tide.

Song defined as a structural piece of music that comprehensively contains a certain idea put into notes, then Electric Orange overflow that definition again and again with yet another wave of improvisation or solo. Because that seems to be their vision: a boundless, overflowing and transcending rock experience that makes the mind flow on the fundament of the rhythm section together with the foreground improvisation instrument. Or in other words: psychedelia.

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