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Evanescence concerts

Evanescence upcoming concerts

Information about Evanescence

Evanescence is currently not performing live..

Evanescence is a Grammy-winning band founded in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States in 1995 by singer/pianist Amy Lee and guitarist Ben Moody (who left in 2003).

After recording private albums, the band signed to Wind-up Records and released their first full-length album, Fallen, in 2003, which sold more than 15 million copies worldwide and helped the band win two Grammy Awards. A year later, they released their first live album, Anywhere But Home, which sold more than one million copies worldwide. In 2006, they then released their second studio album, The Open Door, which sold more than five million copies. They released their third and latest studio album, Evanescence in 2011.

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Past Events

Few past concerts by Evanescence

Sep 2019
Sep 2019
Sep 2019
Sep 2019


Information about tickets

Information about tickets to Evanescence concerts

MusicHearts does not sell Evanescence concert tickets, we show which official ticket operator has them available with the option to purchase. We act as an aggregator, choosing and showing the best deals.
We recommend buying an electronic ticket (e-ticket). It can be purchased and paid directly on the operator's website, printed out and brought to the concert with a printout (don't forget your passport). So visiting the Evanescence concert will be as comfortable as possible.