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God Is an Astronaut concerts

God Is an Astronaut upcoming concerts

Information about God Is an Astronaut

God Is an Astronaut is currently not performing live..

God is an Astronaut are a 4 piece band who hail from Glen of the Downs, Ireland. Currently one of the worlds biggest instrumental bands they took their name from a line in Clive Barker’s film ‘Nightbreed’. The band was formed by twin brothers Niels and Torsten Kinsella in 2002. After recording their first demo’s and with numerous labels offering deals (yet looking for the band to add vocals to their music) they instead decided to set up their own label ‘Revive Records’ to release their debut album ‘The End of the Beginning’ in 2002. This crucially allowed the band to remain in complete creative control. Speaking on their debut, which was originally intended as the bands farewell to the music industry, the band say “we just wanted to finish on a release we were really proud of, we had no expectations at all.” Over the next couple of years after the album’s low key release, the band started to pick up interest mainly through word of mouth on-line with rave reviews on blogs. Both video singles from the album “The End of the Beginning” and “From Dust to the Beyond” received airplay across Europe on MTV. This was when the world was first exposed to the bands strong usage of visuals to enhance their music.

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Past Events

Few past concerts by God Is an Astronaut

Nov 2020


Information about tickets

Information about tickets to God Is an Astronaut concerts

MusicHearts does not sell God Is an Astronaut concert tickets, we show which official ticket operator has them available with the option to purchase. We act as an aggregator, choosing and showing the best deals.
We recommend buying an electronic ticket (e-ticket). It can be purchased and paid directly on the operator's website, printed out and brought to the concert with a printout (don't forget your passport). So visiting the God Is an Astronaut concert will be as comfortable as possible.